Learning How To Exist In My Body

Embodiment Practices for Taurus Season: In this video, I share a couple of ways I'm learning to exist within my own frame and why that's so important when it comes to personal style discovery.


Join me on Patreon!

Every Saturday, I share a video about mindfully developing your personal style, learning to be with your body, and celebrating the deepening of self-trust and compassion. Would love to have your energy in that space so we can grow together.

Why Can't I Find My Personal Style?

The main reasons why you can't find your personal style might be different than you think. It might have more to do with your mind than your body type in the long run. In this video, I discuss some of the mental blocks I experienced while experimenting with my personal style.

Join me on Patreon! Every Saturday, I share a video about mindfully developing your personal style, learning to be with your body, and celebrating the deepening of self-trust and compassion. Would love to have your energy in that space so we can grow together.


5 Ways to learn self-trust (so you can find your personal style)

I'm sharing my BEST advice for learning self-trust and staying grounded with you. This is more important than finding your body type!

5 ways to learn self-trust (so you can find your personal style)- I'm sharing with you my BEST advice for learning self-trust and staying. This is more impor...

I mentioned my blogpost JOURNALING FOR BEGINNERS in this video. Definitely check it out if you haven’t already.

Other helpful videos from my channel:

Teach Your Mind To Love Your Body

Embodiment Practices for Women