Can you have long hair if you're short?

Yes. Obviously the answer is yes.

You can do anything you want. But, the real question is: can a person 5’5’’ (165cm) or shorter look good with hair down to their hips? I’m testing it out in this video so you can understand visually what makes this certain hairstyle look flattering.

If you’ve followed me for any amount of time, you’d know I’m currently studying the David Kibbe Image ID system. This method of perception in fashion is the most fascinating to me because it views women as a whole beings, not just shapes, or fruits, or measurements.

It takes into account the balance of yin (rounded, soft, lush, small, short, wide, ‘feminine’) and yang (long, narrow, lithe, sharp, ‘masculine’) within a single woman’s frame, and accentuates those lines. Rather than traditional systems that try to correct “less desirable” bodies to make everyone fit into the same box, Kibbe’s system celebrates the unique body- the individual essence, shape, and coloring- focusing on self-love and self-acceptance.

Within Kibbe’s system, I most connect with the Flamboyant Gamine. She’s described as Gamine (a combination of opposite yin/yang extremes) with Dramatic (yang) undercurrents. So she tends to look small, angular, narrow, compact, boyish, and youthful, with a larger than life spirit. She can use yang lines in “smaller doses” but it shouldn’t dominate the entirety of her look. Broken, sharp and body skimming lines suit her best. (This is just a brief description, a compilation of things I’ve learned from dressing my own body and finding what look the best.)

(All above images from Pinterest)

With this in mind, let’s consider the original question: Can a shorter woman have long hair and still look good?

I’m a 5’5” (165cm) Flamboyant Gamine. I feel long hair (especially if it’s straight) can be a cool, flattering element that adds yang to an overall look. So as long as your outfit, shoes, accessories, etc. are cropped, angular, and vibrant, having long hair can be the cherry on top for your head to toe look.

When I wear my hair in box braids, I choose to keep in mind that I now have a VERY vertical, long yang element on my rather petite frame. On the days where I’m getting dressed (which honestly hasn’t been with much intention due to the state of society at the moment), I consider keeping my outfits fitted, cropped, and structured.

In general, I’d say to consider if you have long lines in your frame. (For example, my face shape and nose are prominent and vertical, so are my arms, legs, hands and feet.) Long hair can repeat those lines, and ultimately be in harmony with your bones, helping create a unique, eccentric look when combined with shorter, cropped elements. Try it out and see!

If you feel like a certain hairstyle connects with you and makes you feel beautiful, then go for it!

Experiment. Have fun. Find what make you feel like YOU.


In this video about having long hair as a flamboyant gamine, I discuss how to wear your hair long as a shorter woman featuring some outfit ideas to create an...